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If you are on this page, then you are interested in opening a wholesale account.
We thank you for your interest and for those who are returning, thank you so much for your continued support in our business.

Opening a Wholesale Account

It should be noted that all wholesale accounts must require a legal business license or permit to sell. By continuing and applying to wholesale, you will acknowledge that any services we provide for wholesale is still applicable to our terms of services as well as our return policy. If you have any questions, please review the Frequently Asked Questions.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is wholesale?
According to Merriam-Webster, wholesale is the sale of commodities in quantity usually for resale. In other words, buying goods in a large amount of quantity at a low price to re-sell.

Do you offer drop-shipping?
No, we do not offer drop-shipping services.

Can you provide a sample of your product?
No, we do not ship samples of our products.

Do I need a business to buy wholesale items?
Yes, we do require a copy of your legal business license or permit to sell to open a wholesale account.

Are there any requirements for wholesale orders?
Yes, we require a two case minimum purchase for every order.

Do you have a catalog of all your wholesale items?
You may purchase any item that is available on the Beauticom website for a wholesale price.

Where can I see the wholesale prices?
We do not display our wholesale prices to the public. However, once an account is opened, a pricelist can be sent over or a direct price quote of the products you are interested in.

Do you offer volume discounts?
Much like the Beauticom prices, we offer exclusive prices with our volume discounts. In other words, the more you buy of one item, the bigger the discount. We highly recommend ordering more than two cases every order for a difference in wholesale and regular product pricing.

Is shipping free for wholesale accounts?
Unfortunately shipping is not free for wholesale customers as they are normally large and heavy quantities that are being shipped out. The customer will have to pay for the additional shipping fee.

How will I order for wholesale items?
Once your account is opened, you will be able to e-mail us at a direct e-mail with your order. A quote and an invoice will be sent to you.

What is the process of applying?
After you apply for wholesale, you will receive an e-mail in a couple of days (up to 7 business days) confirming your approval. After the confirmation e-mail, you can respond with the products you would like to order or for a price quote.

How can I apply for wholesale?
Apply with us on the form on this page.

Help! The application form is not loading for me!
We're sorry that the form is not loading properly! We highly advise all wholesale applications to be sent through the application form as the form automatically stores the information into the system. However, we understand that technology has its hiccups, so if the form does not load properly, please e-mail with the following information:

  • Your Full Name
  • E-Mail
  • Phone Number
  • Business Name
  • Business Address (that matches your permit/license), Including Country
  • A Photo/Copy of your valid Business Permit/License


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